Monday, December 8, 2008

Colossal U Ad Campaign

When I first saw the Colossal U Ad I was in complete shock that a University would actually have the nerve to promote such an advertisement with such negative slogans. I was amazed that a university would admit to the public that their school would have each student turn out exactly the same, and that their school wouldn't allow new ideas to be contributed into their classes or teachings. At first, I thought to myself "why would anyone want to go to this school?" and so out of curiousity I eventually checked out the website; and that was when I found out that this whole campaign ad was only to get my attention and learn what was really up!

I arrived at , and it seemed pretty realistic until a woman started to talk. Turns out the university they are promoting to students and adults is Algoma University, which is really the complete opposite of Colossal University. In Algoma, the students are not treated as numbers, but as indivduals who are helped and assisted by teachers who listen to questions and ideas given to them.

I think making an extremely negative ad catches attention more quickly, and maybe that is why Algoma promoted their university in this way. Having an advertistment with nothing but quotes and slogans that make students feel more like numbers and compared with other individuals catches attention and curiosity quickly. This ad made me and possibly many others more curious about this "Colossal University" and therefore, I checked out the website to see if this University was really serious about making each student the same, and having no new ideas being contributed. Fortunately, this Colossal U Ad was to only promote the real school, Algoma University.

This was definitely an eye-catching advertisement! It was really smart of Algoma University to promote their school in such a way. It was not your typical advertisement. This ad filled you with questions, wondering if there was such a university that was so limited to their students' knowledge. This advertisement was simply unique, and it was a type of ad that left you taking the initive to see what school this really was.

If i hadn't check, I would still think that Colossal University was a school that guaranteed each and every student to turn out exactly the same way, and a school where new ideas and new thinking wasn't listened to or taken in by teachers and the staff of that university.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gaming Gone Wild

Video games are quite entertaining, fun, and enjoyable and they probably make time fly because you become so determined in completing that particular level or possibly even the whole game. I personally am not a video game addict, but I can admit that some games are really fun to play. I'll play video games whenever I get the chance, but it is not really a big deal if I don't get that chance.

I am amazed that some people are capable of sitting infront of a television or computer screen for more than 5 hours just playing a video game. It's understandable that they may really want to finish the game or complete that level they're on, but really, there are other times to do that. I don't think that finishing a video game should be anyone's first priority.

In my own personal opinion, I feel that enough is enough when all you keep doing is constantly playing video games. When all you do is go home and play video games, and not even go out with you're friends when you get the chance, is when I think the gaming has taken up most of your time, and your life is only revolving around video games.

Although playing video games has its negative outcomes, it also has its positives. Video games are enojyable and they should be played during either during spare time or once you have finished other, more important things . Also, a good thing is that not all games are just for fun and entertainement, but some games are even quite educational and requires some thinking.

We should recognize that video games should not be our first priority, but an activity done in our spare time.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Campaign Trail

The way Obama decided to promote to America the issues he would resolve was creative and humorurs but at the same time had a deep message. He used a funny commercial and made it his own by including real problems the Americans, and America itself have to face. The men who were once having a good time and relaxing were now experiencing so many problems.

Unemployment, the war in Iraq, health care, decrease in stock, and the environment are the troubles & challenges Obama wants to fix, and he shows this in his campaign by adding those issues into the commerical. The man who is facing a stock decrease becomes suicidal, the man facing unemployment is sitting on his couch just watching television, the man who needs health care is having troubles even walking to the telephone, and lastly, the environmental issue is shown by the man outside, who is in the middle, of what it looks like, a hurricane/storm/flood.

The mesage Obama is sending tells us that these are what he feels are the most important problems America is facing. He's making it clear that America needs a change, and by voting for him that change will happen immediatley. Obama made a very entertaining commercial that sent out a very important message, but at the same time, he added his own unique twist.