Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Jillian (jillionaire) - Who Needs Cooler Inventions?

Rosemary (rosemary k)- Cell Phone Matters

Alphie (Ya Da Da Means?)- EccentricK Art Show 2009

Hannah (Hannah Lee)- Colossal U Ad Campaign

Prince (Princes Blog)- Campaign Trail

Russell (Daya's Blog)- Cell Phone Manners Matter

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Final blog entry

This year went by so fast!!!!

I came into Media Art thinking that all I would really learn about was Adobe Photoshop, clearly I was wrong. This year I learned so much! From learning how to make multiple pictures of myself all in one frame, to making videos on Movie Maker, really allowed me to leave this course knowing I gained alot of knowledge.

EccentriK really brought out the creativty of Mary Ward students. Every project that was made by a Mary Ward student was displayed, showing many what they are capable of doing. All the pieces created were beautiful and nonetheless unique.

During my first Media Arts class, each student was required to do tutorials of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. At first, it was long and difficult, but as time passed I feel i got use to them. Our first big project of the course was creating a multi-exposure image. There were many techniques of going about making this image, and I found that some ways were easier than others. The way I did it was very easy. As a matter of fact, I finished my multi-exposure image and when I was going to hand it in into commserv, the file corrupted and no one was able to access it. So instead of going through the difficulty of trying to recover the file, I just ended up doing it again, and it took the later than 30 minutes. It was quite easy. I really like this multi-exposure project because it was alot of fun. We were free to do anything we want, and free to use any technique in making the image. For this project, we had many options.

The next big project I really like was when we had to create a pattern and vectorize an image of someone we found to be EccenticK. Doing these two things we found, would later combine to make something bigger. We made a pattern and were required to place it onto of our vectorized image of someone we found to be EccentricK. Our pieces were put into the Art Show on the Comm Tech side.

Lastly, as the final project we were asked to make a video on Windows Movie Maker, or another video maker. This project was definitely fun to do, and it taught us how to use Windows Movie Maker.

When I look back at what we've done in this course, I find, I did alot of projects and pieces I thought i was not capable of doing. I really liked this course and what I learned, and I hope to take this course once again.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Eccentrick was AMAZING! The was it was set up, and the art work was outstanding. The fact that all the creative, beautiful, and unique art work was created by Mary Ward students made it even more incredible!

This was my second time comming to the Mary Ward Art Show, but the first time of me actually working around the basement, so I honestly did not know what to expect. It was pretty hectic the week before the Art Show because everything needed to be set up properly in order to have beautiful displays. Everywhere I turned whenever I went down to the basement were; students painting big boards, on the computer, or moving objects into to storage rooms or to the end of the hall.

The art courses I took this year was Media Art and Tech Design (architecture), and therefore I was fortunatly part of the whole set-up of 'EccentricK'. It was interesting to see the process of creating the Art Show since it was such a big deal. Although the creation process of the Art Show was hectic and very busy, the final product was definitley perfect.

The art work in the whole production was simply amazing! It was obvious that hard work was put into each piece. I thought the dresses were beautiful and original, making them one of a kind. The large portraits of celebrities which were drawn by some students really amazed because they were so accurate. Their portraits looked exactly like the pictures, it was incredible!

There were many pieces of art that I really liked. One of them was a particular dress that was created by one of the students. It was displayed alongside with a book she had created with i believe, her own drawings. I really enjoyed the hip-hop section of the art show because it showed diversity in art, and it showed different aspects and forms of arts. The fact that it was another form of art really interested me. I also liked how they got the audience involved and also performed for them.

This art show was amazing, and I cannot wait for the next one!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cell phones are a piece of technology that almost everyone seems to have. For the majority of the time, cell phones are easy to use and are pretty straight forward. These little devices have almost everything you need when trying to keep in touch and communicate with others. Simple phone calls, text messaging, video calls, and chat keeps you in touch with whoever whereever and whenever. Games and internet connection are also included in cell phones for entertainment and fun when people feel they need some times to just relax. Although cell phones are useful little devices, they do have a downfall. Since it has become so popular, many people do not see it as a problem when they are busy doing something. This piece of technology is so small that it would be easy to multi-task with..right? Wrong. Using your cell phone while doing something that requires concentration is definitley a distraction. So therefore, i have created five rules when i think it is necessary for cell phone use.

Rule ONE: Cellphones should be turned off during class and work , because as we all know interruptions can be quite irritating and nonetheless rude. School and work is a time to set aside socializing and keep focus on what is important which is learning, listening to the teacher or just doing your job.

Rule TWO: Cellphones should not be used at all when driving. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but also others around you; whether it be pedestrians or other drivers. Trying to focus on the road, speed limit, and people walking can be quite difficult while holding a conversation with someone else. Your full focus and concentration should be on driving and not with the conversation you're having with the your friend, acquaintance, or whoever.

Rule THREE: When cellphones seems to be a constant distraction, it's time to put it away. If your cellphone prevents you from getting work done, either for school or around the house, that's when it's time to re-focus and remember what is more important. Cell phones are very useful and entertaining, but get your work done before getting carried away in a conversation with your friend or friends.

Rule FOUR: Use your cellphone being aware of what environment you are in. Remember when using your cell phone in public, others are around you and the last thing you want to do is disturb or annoy them. So keep your voice at appropriate level and be sure to not shout.

Rule FIVE: Keep in mind of where you are and whether your cell phone should be on silent, vibrate, ringing or completly off. It's very inconsiderate and rude to be at a quiet place and your cell phone rings on the loudest volume. Keep in mind before entering a place what kind of environment it holds, and be concerned on how your cell phone should be adjusted. That last thing you'd want to do irritate people with your cell phone ringing.

Cell phones are very entertaining and very time consuming especially during a conversation with a friend; but we must all learn there is a time and place to use them. These rules help you remember when you should use them, what place you should use them, and how you should adjust it when entering a place so you will not disturb others.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy

It is unfortunate to say, but what isn't true about what this comedian is saying? The century we live in today does take technology for granted, and sometimes it just shows how spoiled we really are. We become easily impatient with slow internet, we hate it when our cell phones have no signal, and we can't stand it when our television blanks out for a few minutes due to cable problems. But if you think about, long time ago before all this "modern" technology people did not even have internet, cellphones, and when they did have television, it was in black and white.

Although technology makes our generation that much more spoiled, I admit that technology in my life is pretty important. I try my best not leave anywhere without my cellphone, and when I do, I either comeback for it or if not, wonder if I got any calls or text messages. Bad? Probably so. But I guess it probably shows how much I love my cell. My computer is also another piece of technology that is somewhat important to me. I'm usually on the computer when I'm home and although it's a nice and useful piece of technology, I strongly consider it to be time consuming.

Which brings me too why I think that even though technology is great, and makes things 10 times easier to do, there is unfortunatley a downfall. With all this technology being made so quickly, our generation is becoming lazier and lazier. Instead of taking the time to go to the library, we can simply research things from the internet. Instead of going out and doing an activity, we can easily stay indoors talking on our cellphones and chatting on msn/aim, or possibly even pop a dvd in and watch a movie. Don't get me wrong, I love all this technology, but sometimes we can enjoy the outdoors rather than doing the opposite.

Sometimes I feel that I should learn not to take all this technology around me for granted, but it's hard to do so considering I'm surrounded by it all the time! Just yesterday, I was wishing I had a a license and a car because the bus was taking forever! When now, i realized people back then didn't even have cars of busses! We can simply travel around with laptops with a good chance of recieving internet, and stick out small cell phones into our pockets. Because technology surrounds us 24 hours 7 days a week, it's hard to ignore the easy access of things that people once never had.

So, I guess this comes to show that technology can really spoil us.