Saturday, February 21, 2009

Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy

It is unfortunate to say, but what isn't true about what this comedian is saying? The century we live in today does take technology for granted, and sometimes it just shows how spoiled we really are. We become easily impatient with slow internet, we hate it when our cell phones have no signal, and we can't stand it when our television blanks out for a few minutes due to cable problems. But if you think about, long time ago before all this "modern" technology people did not even have internet, cellphones, and when they did have television, it was in black and white.

Although technology makes our generation that much more spoiled, I admit that technology in my life is pretty important. I try my best not leave anywhere without my cellphone, and when I do, I either comeback for it or if not, wonder if I got any calls or text messages. Bad? Probably so. But I guess it probably shows how much I love my cell. My computer is also another piece of technology that is somewhat important to me. I'm usually on the computer when I'm home and although it's a nice and useful piece of technology, I strongly consider it to be time consuming.

Which brings me too why I think that even though technology is great, and makes things 10 times easier to do, there is unfortunatley a downfall. With all this technology being made so quickly, our generation is becoming lazier and lazier. Instead of taking the time to go to the library, we can simply research things from the internet. Instead of going out and doing an activity, we can easily stay indoors talking on our cellphones and chatting on msn/aim, or possibly even pop a dvd in and watch a movie. Don't get me wrong, I love all this technology, but sometimes we can enjoy the outdoors rather than doing the opposite.

Sometimes I feel that I should learn not to take all this technology around me for granted, but it's hard to do so considering I'm surrounded by it all the time! Just yesterday, I was wishing I had a a license and a car because the bus was taking forever! When now, i realized people back then didn't even have cars of busses! We can simply travel around with laptops with a good chance of recieving internet, and stick out small cell phones into our pockets. Because technology surrounds us 24 hours 7 days a week, it's hard to ignore the easy access of things that people once never had.

So, I guess this comes to show that technology can really spoil us.